"Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do You Remember

Good Morning!

In Deutronomy 26 Moses tells the people, the Israelites, that when they go in and take possession of the land that God is giving them they are to take some of the first fruits and give as a sacrifice before the Lord.  When they go in before the Lord they are to recount to the Lord their journey from slavery to freedom; all that the Lord God had done for them to bring them to this place He promised.  They are to rejoice in all the good things the Lord has given to them.  They are to celebrate!

The Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians.  They were oppressed and beaten down.  We, too, are slaves to sin.  Sin can oppress us and beat us down till we think that death would be better than living.  God heard the cries of the Israelite people.  He freed them from the bondage of slavery and set them free to live in a beautiful land with all that they needed. Now they were to come before him and celebrate!

God has provided a way out of the oppression of slavery for us, too.  We do not have to be a slave to sin bound under the enemies control.  God sent His only loved Son to die for us that we would be free.  All we have to do is follow Christ to be free. 

Do you remember when Jesus set you free?  Every year the Jewish community celebrates Passover.  They remember very reverently what God did for them; how he freed them from Egyptian slavery and brought them to the land He promised. 

Do you remember the day Jesus saved you from slavery?  Do you remember how he came into your life to give you freedom?  Do you remember how Jesus changed your life?  I know He has blessed you.  How are you celebrating your freedom?  Share what Jesus has done for you with someone today.

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy"  Psalm 126:3

Be filled with JOY today!

May God's grace be with you all.

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