"Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Be Strong and Courageous

Good Morning!

Yeah!! I'm so excited!  I've started the book of Joshua.  It was long getting through Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy but interesting.  Brother Allan read scripture from Romans this past Sunday that I had just read in Deuteronomy.  I love how God does that; how he gets my attention to notice His word.

I started Genesis in July so I'm hoping that now the pace will pick up as I start the history of the Jewish nation.  So far, it's great and I'm looking forward to all God wants to show me.

The theme of Joshua 1 is "Be Strong and Courageous".  God tells Joshua to be strong, be courageous in verses 6, 7, 8 and 18.  In verse seven God says, be strong and very courageous.  In verse eight God says, "be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

How reassuring is that?  Joshua is taking the Israelites into a new place.  This is a place, a land where he hasn't been before.  He doesn't know what to expect, what challenges are ahead, how the people will react and how this will all end.  God knows that.  God knows Joshua's heart.  He knows Joshua's fears, his doubts.  So, God tells him over and over "be strong and courageous". 

As I read that yesterday, and I came to the part that said, "do not be terrified", it resonnated with my own heart and I could hear God speak to my heart and say, "do not be terrified".  Don't be afraid, Kelly.  You can trust Me with this.

My sister, Stephanie, posted yesterday that "God is attracted to weakness.  He cannot resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need Him.

It's in our weakness that we are the most afraid.  We scream "Lord, I can't do this".  And, He says, no, you can't do this in your own strength you need Me to help you."  God doesn't want those that can do it on their own without His help and direction.  God wants those of us who are afraid so that we will totally depend on Him and trust Him to do all things through us for His glory and not our own.

Yes, sometimes, a lot of the time, the things that God wants me to do scare me to death.  Thousands of excuses come to mind quickly as to why I cannot do them.  But, I hear the words He spoke to Joshua, "be strong and courageous" and I am reminded today that it is my God, the One True God, who goes before me and prepares the way if I just ask.  He will go with me and stay by my side teaching me to follow Him and obey.  Just like he told Joshua, "do not turn from it (the law) to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go." 

Don't turn away from following God and His teachings.  The blessings are in obedience.  Go and don't be afraid. 

"The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy."  Psalm 126:3

May the grace of God be with you all!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe part of Joshua's problem was that he had to follow in the footsteps of Moses! I, too, am terrfied when I am called on to do something that is not in my comfort zone and that has been done so well by someone else. I feel inadequate, inept, incompetent. But praise God, our sufficiency is in Christ. Love you!
